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Discounts and Fees Tab
Create powerful discounts that will help you attract new customers and reward loyal ones.
Best Practices - 3 Ways to Reduce PriceDiscounts, rebates and credits reduce price...but they are not the same!
Custom Items - Extra Fees & RebatesCustom items are extra fees & rebates that you can add to an invoice manually. You can even give a rebate after an invoice has been created.
Create Automated DiscountsIncrease customer loyalty (and sales) by offering discount options!
Discounts: Descriptions and FeaturesLearn what to expect from each discount type.
Warnings if Discounts Exceed ThresholdAvoid giving excessive discounts by monitoring whether multiple discounts on activities or memberships can exceed a rebate threshold.
Service FeeA service fee is manually added to a client's invoice by an administrator.
Create Automated FeesThis type of fee is automatically added to a client's invoice in the store when certain criteria is met.
Discount by TagOffer reduced pricing to persons and/or accounts that have been approved and tagged by an admin.