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How to Upload an e-Signature Contract Template
How to Upload an e-Signature Contract Template

An e-signature template allows clients to access, review, and sign contracts online directly from their personal account.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over a week ago

Activate Rental Contracts in the Apps tab

Before you start creating rental contracts, you must have uploaded at least one contract template in the Contracts > Templates subtab. A template is needed to approve a contract. SmartRec provides a customizable e-signature template that can be used to send contracts directly to clients for their e-signature or it can be printed and signed in-person.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I upload an e-signature template?

As of January 18th 2023, admins can access the sample e-signature template in the Contract > Templates subtab.

  • Click + New template. A new screen appears with two sections.

  • First, download the sample template that provides the contract layout and e-signature fields. It automatically includes your organization's logo and contact information. You may rename the file on your computer or even open it to further customize the template.

  • Next, name the template and choose the language. Hit the 'Choose a file' button to upload your saved template from your computer. When the file is uploaded successfully, scroll to the bottom of the page to Save.

You'll return to the main Templates page. Saved template(s) are listed in alphabetical order. It'll be available for selection each time you create a contract.

How do I make changes to a template after it's been saved?

In the Contracts >Templates subtab, click on your template's name. You can edit the name and language. Click on the file name to download it and make changes. To upload it again, click the 'Choose a file' button. Don't forget to Save your changes.

Can I use a template that doesn't support e-signature?

As of January 18th 2023, we only provide a sample template that supports e-signature. However, if your organization created contracts prior to this date, your existing legacy templates may lack the necessary tags to support e-signature. For now, legacy templates can still be used (with limitations).

If you don't use an e-signature template, here's what you can expect:

  • You can't send the contract to the client's personal account for their e-signature. When you try to click 'Send for e-signature', SmartRec will prompt you to swap the legacy template for an e-signature template before you can proceed.

  • If you're using a legacy template, the only way to approve a contract is by having the admin manually click the 'Approve & invoice' button.

The ideal solution is to download the e-signature sample template to your computer, rename it, and then upload it again so that you can link it to your new and existing contract(s). Otherwise, you can manually add the e-signature tags to your existing legacy templates. The latter may be ideal if you've personalized your old template(s) and don't want to repeat the process with the new e-signature one.

How can I personalize an e-signature template?

Your organization's logo and contact information are already integrated. For advanced customization, you can tailor where information appears on the contract by moving placeholders and tags in Word. A placeholder is where you want the information to appear. The tag determines what information appears in the placeholder.

Below is the list of permitted tags you can use and must be spelled exactly as shown:

  • ClientFullAddress

  • ClientPhoneNumber

  • ContractClient

  • ContractName

  • ContractNotes

  • ContractNumber

  • CustomFees: The detailed table of all custom fees

  • CustomFeesCount: The number of different custom fees that are booked

  • Extras: The detailed table of all extras booked

  • ExtrasCount: The number of different extras booked

  • InvoiceInfo: The invoice information

  • Facilities: The detailed table of all facility bookings

  • FacilitiesCount: The number of times facilities are booked

  • ElectronicSignature: The e-signature appears when the contract is approved.

  • SignDate: The date the contract is approved (i.e., e-signed)

  • PrintName: The client's name appears in block letters after the contract is signed or approved by an admin.

Step 1 - Open your e-signature template in Word

Step 2 - Click File > Options > Customize Ribbon and then checkmark Developer.

Step 3 - Type in your placeholder(s). A placeholder is where you will insert a tag that results in relevant info appearing in that spot in the contract.

Step 4 - Now it's time to input your tag(s). Highlight the placeholder and then click on Rich Text in the Developer table.

Step 5 - Click on Properties to open a table where you'll input the Title and Tag. They need to match. Then hit OK.

👉 Optional: Click on Design Mode to see the tag codes next to the placeholders.

How do I manually add e-signature tags to a legacy template?

To make your legacy template e-signature compatible, you must add 3 new placeholders where you want the e-signature, date and name to appear. Each placeholder can only be used once in the document. They are:

<ElectronicSignature>, <SignDate>, and <PrintName>

Step 1: Click the button below to download a copy of the e-signature template.

Step 2: Open the e-signature template and your legacy template in Word.

Step 3: Copy the 3 placeholders from the e-signature template and paste them into the appropriate fields on your legacy template.

Step 4: Save your legacy template. It's now compatible for e-signature!

* Last updated in June 2023

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