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What to Expect when Configuring a Multipass' Effective Date and Expiration
What to Expect when Configuring a Multipass' Effective Date and Expiration

Determine when (and for how long) a client can use a Multipass.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 8 months ago

The effective and expiration date affect the validity of your Multipass. 

What is the Effective Date? 

The effective date determines the earliest activity occurrence date for which the pass is eligible. For example, if your effective date is June 1st, then you can only register to activities that are taking place no earlier than June 1st. You cannot register to an earlier activity occurrence in May. 

  • On date of purchase: Clients can use the pass to register to activities that are taking place as of the day it was purchased.

  • On first use: Clients can use the pass to register to activities that are taking place as of the date of the activity for which they use it, regardless of when it was purchased. This means if a client uses the pass to register to a class on the 15th of September, the pass becomes effective as of that date. Essentially, the pass is effective as of the earliest activity occurrence that was registered to using the Multipass.

    • ❗ Careful! The 'first use' date can't be changed. This means if a client uses their Multipass for the first time to register to an activity on Sept 15th, they won't be able to use the Multipass to register to a class that occurs before this date. They can only use the Multipass to register to classes that occur after Sept 15th. The Multipass can only be used to register to classes that occur on or after the first use date.

  • On a specific date: Clients can use the pass to register to activities that are taking place as of the day you specify.

What is the Expiration Date? 

The expiration occurs at midnight on the last day the pass can be used.  The expiration also determines the latest activity occurrence for which the pass is eligible. For example, if your expiration date is Aug 31st, then you can only register to activities as long as they are occurring before midnight, August 31st. You cannot register to an activity occurrence on Aug 31st or in September.

  • Never: Clients can use the pass to register to activities regardless of when the last occurrence takes place.

  • After a time period: Clients can use the pass to register to activities as long as the last occurrence takes place within X time as of the effective date.

  • On a specific date: Clients can use the pass to register to activities as long as the last occurrence takes place before midnight on the specified date.

**Very Important**

When the effective date is set to On first use and the expiration to After time period it's important to understand the expected behavior.

  • When the first class is booked (first use), the next class can be booked no earlier or later than the (X) time period specified.

  • Once another class has been booked with the Multipass, this locks the time period window. You cannot register to a class that occurs more than X after the earliest class occurrence. You cannot register to a class that occurs more than X before the latest class occurrence.

  • The time window adjusts depending on when the earliest and latest class occurrence takes place. If clients cancel and rebook, the time window adjusts accordingly.

Below are 3 scenarios of a Multipass effective on first use with an expiration period of 6 months:

Scenario #1

A pass valid for 6 months is used to register to a class occurring on Sep 15th, 2019.

First use: Sep 15th, 2019

Time window: Classes that take place no earlier than Mar 15th, 2019 and no later than Mar 15th, 2020.

The Multipass can be used for eligible classes taking place no earlier and no later than 6 months from the first use date (Sep 15th, 2019). This means that for now, the client can book classes occurring between Mar 15th, 2019 up until Mar 15th, 2020.

Scenario #2 (cont)

The same Multipass is used to book another class on Jan 1st, 2020.

First use: Sep 15th, 2019           Latest activity booked: Jan 1st, 2020

Time window: Classes that take place no earlier than Jul 1st, 2019 and no later than Mar 15th, 2020.

Since the first use is on Sep 15th, 2019, the pass can be used to book classes occurring no more than 6 months later (Mar 15th, 2020). The latest class is now booked on Jan 1st, 2020. This locks the time window so that the Multipass cannot be used to book classes occurring earlier than Jul 1st, 2019.

Scenario #3 (cont) 

Using the same Multipass, the client cancels the class occurring on Sep 15th, 2019 and books a new class occurring on Feb 1st, 2020. This means the earliest class taking place is now on Jan 1st, 2020.

First use: Jan 1st, 2020               Latest activity booked: Feb 1st, 2020

Time window: Classes that take place no earlier than Aug 1st, 2019 and no later than Jul 1st, 2020.

Now that the first use date has changed, the time window adjusts to the new dates. Since the first use has moved to Jan 1st, 2020, the pass can be used to book classes occurring no more than 6 months later (Jul 1st, 2020). The latest class is now booked on Feb 1st, 2020, which means the Multipass cannot be used to book classes occurring earlier than Aug 1st, 2019. The 6-month time window must be respected.

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