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Create Memberships (Legacy version)
Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 2 months ago

- We're rolling out one of our biggest improvements to date -

👑 A complete revamp of our Membership feature! 👑

Expect a fusion of our membership & subscription models, an improved user experience, and enhanced reporting. If you have any questions, start a chat.

SmartRec offers 4 different types of memberships:  

In this article, you'll learn about individual memberships. Click the Memberships tab and then + New membership > Individual membership.

General information

  • The Name and Description of the membership will be visible to clients.

  • What is the selling Price of the membership?

  • Define the membership term:

    • Fixed dates: The membership begins on the effective date and ends at 11:59PM on the expiration date.

    • Fixed duration: Indicate the length of validity. You can offer the client to renew their membership X amount of time before it expires.

  • Tags: Tags are keywords that clients use in your store to help find what they're looking for.

  • When will the membership become visible in the store?

    • Immediately: Clients can see and purchase the membership in the Memberships section of your store. If the membership is linked to an activity, they'll be prompted to buy it if they don't own it already.

    • Schedule: Set a date where clients can see and purchase the membership in the Memberships section of your store. If the membership is linked to an activity, they'll be prompted to buy it if they don't own it already after the schedule date only.

    • Hidden from store: Unavailable for purchase in the Memberships section of your store. However, it's still available for purchase if it's linked to an activity, in which case clients will be prompted to buy it if they don't own it already.

    • Unavailable from store: Unavailable for client purchase. However, the membership remains active for clients that purchased it before becoming unavailable. Admins can still purchase the membership on behalf of clients. Unavailable memberships can also be used as a requirement to register to an activity.

Price and payment

  • How much does the membership cost?

  • Ledger code: Choose a ledger code you created in the Accounting subtab.

  • Select the applicable taxes for this membership only.

  • Indicate which payment methods are accepted.


Indicate if an admin can replace the membership with another like membership by accessing the invoice in the client's billing. Click here for more details on membership replacements.

To make this membership mandatory when purchasing an activity, see the following document: How to make memberships mandatory when purchasing an activity.


Add age, gender and/or skill restrictions if you want to limit access to the membership. You can also leave this section as is so that no restrictions are applied.

  • Age: Select the min. and max. ages (in months or years), and if the participant must have reached that age at the time of purchase or at another date you determine. You should toggle the Date of Birth option on your Form to Visible Required.

  • Gender: Clients don't need to specify their gender unless an organization requires it through restrictions, or on their forms. If your membership has gender restrictions, be sure your Form has the Gender option toggled to Visible Required.

    • If your membership restricts enrollment to females, only participants who have identified their gender as 'Female' may purchase the membership.

    • If enrollment is restricted to males, only participants who have identified their gender as 'Male' may purchase the membership.

    • If enrollment is restricted to clients who preferred not to say their gender, only participants who have identified their gender as 'Prefer not to say' may purchase the membership.

    • It's possible to choose more than one option. For example, if you've restricted enrollments to females and people who preferred not to say, only participants who have identified as 'Female' or have answered 'Prefer not to say' can purchase the membership.

  • Skills: You can make one or more skills required to purchase the membership.


Have you created Merchandise? You can make select merchandise mandatory or suggest it to clients as they add the membership to their cart.

Forms (optional)

  • If you wish, create specific forms in the Account>Forms subtab and link them to your membership. These forms will only be presented to your customers when they purchase the membership.

  • If you don't select a form for the membership, the forms shown will be those linked to the other purchases (if applicable).

Community Segments

You can choose to restrict access to this membership based on a participant's address.  Only clients that are residents of the selected community segment(s) can purchase this membership. 

Membership cards

If you check this box, each clients that have the membership active in it's account will have a Membership card visible under the sub tab membership card (Clients > People) You will be able to print those cards under that sub tab or for each membership.

Click here to find out more about Membership cards.

Make your Membership Visible in your Store 

If you want to make the Memberships section visible in your store so that your customer can purchase them, go to Store>Customize.

In the Visible column, check the appropriate box so that the tab appears in the store.

You can change the order in which the tabs are displayed by using the arrows in the Position column.

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