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Activity Occurrence Details Report

Obtain a list of all activity occurrences created in the Activities>Edit subtab.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 8 months ago

🔑 You will need the Activity reports permission, under Finance and reporting.

The Activity Occurrence Details report provides a snapshot of all activity occurrences over a period of time. Useful for viewing assigned staff, work hours, verifying shift swaps, whether an occurrence is session-based or drop-in, and more!

📆 Dates

When choosing a date range, results correspond to activity occurrences that take place between 12 am on the start date and 11:59pm on the end date. Refresh the report page to capture up-to-date occurrence data. The data reflects what's in SmartRec as of the time the report is generated.

Results are listed in alphabetical order by program name, followed by the time of day they occur (earliest to latest).

📊 Rows and Columns

About rows

Each row represents one occurrence of an activity:

  • An activity that occurs once every day in a week will have 7 rows of data

  • An activity that occurs twice in a day will show two rows for the same date.

About columns

There are 10 columns selected by default, but you can include up to 23 columns in the report. 3 columns are required: Activity name and Occurrence Start and End dates. To change the order of columns, you must export the report to Excel.

Duration (hours) column

The duration (hours) column shows how many hours the activity occurrence lasted, which can be helpful to count staff or facility hours quickly.

Staff column

While you can assign more than one staff to an activity occurrence, the Activity Occurrence Details report only shows the Staff Id, Staff first name, and Staff last name for one assigned staff per occurrence. Stay tuned as we make visible multiple staff per occurrence on the report.

Id columns

The Activity Id, Program Id, Category Id, Subcategory Id, Occurrence Id, and Staff Id can be used to cross-reference other reports with the same Id types.

Facility columns

This report offers two facility columns that show at which facility the event is taking place (facility) and whether the facility in which the event is taking place has a parent facility (top parent facility),

❓ Blank fields

The Billing label may be blank if no billing label is assigned to the activity's configuration.

The staff column may be blank if no staff is assigned to the activity's occurrence.

The price of Session or Drop in may appear blank IF the activity doesn't offer session or drop in options.

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