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Activity Performance Summary Report (Beta)
Activity Performance Summary Report (Beta)
Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 9 months ago

🔑 You need the Accounting reports permission to view this report.

The Activity Performance Summary report can be used to evaluate the business performance of your services and help inform business decisions around programs, by providing participation metrics for each of your activities, such as:

Net sales, enrollment counts, wait list counts, program hours offered, & more!

This report is in beta, contact if you'd like to access it.

📆 Dates & Filters

In the Reports tab, you can filter by one program at a time (archived programs are included). For more filter options, export the report.

When the date filter is blank (yyyy-mm-dd-yyyy-mm-dd), the report pulls the data about an activity since its creation, up until 12am that morning. This means that data for activities occurring on the day you're looking at the report won't be included when the date filter is blank.

When dates are entered, the report counts the number of activity occurrences that happen within the date range and prorates the data proportionately.

  • Say an activity has 1 occurrence per week and spans 4 weeks. When the date range only includes 1 week of the activity, then data for only 1 occurrence is considered.

  • To clear your date selection, click Filters >Reset filters.

📊 Columns

There are 19 columns selected by default but can include up to 30 columns in the report. Below you'll find more info on how to interpret certain columns.


Occurrence columns are meant to provide context to other performance metric columns, especially when proration is in effect.

  • Number of occurrences: a count of activity occurrences within the set date range. Say a report is generated between May 1st to May 3rd, all occurrences on and between those days (inclusively) are included in the report.

  • Total number of occurrences: the total number of occurrences from the activity's start date to the end date. The total always shows regardless of the date range.

  • First occurrence: the date of the first occurrence within the set date range.

  • Last occurrence: the date of the last occurrence within the set date range.

Net sales

  • Net sales = Sales - credits - cancellations - rebates

    • Any credit, discount/rebate reconciled to an invoice item is deducted from the total sales.

    • A credit that isn't reconciled to an invoice item will NOT be recognized in the Net sales column.

  • The number of Net sales matches how the 'Net' column is calculated in the Breakdown of Sales report and the Summary of Sales report.

  • Always displays the total regardless of date selection.

Spots capacity

Say a session activity allows for 10 participants per occurrence. There are 4 occurrences within the set date range - so the spot capacity for this activity would be 40 spots (10 participants x 4 occurrences).

  • When an activity has a capacity limit, the number appears (1 - 999999).

  • An activity with an unlimited capacity shows as 999999.

  • When a capacity isn't configured for a session or drop-in, the field is blank.

  • Session spots and drop-in spots are calculated separately.

Spots filled

Enrollment (i.e., registrations) are tracked under the 'Spots filled' columns.

Say a session activity has 4 occurrences. If 5 people register for that session before the start date of the activity and then another 5 people register immediately after the first occurrence has passed, then the spots filled will be 35 instead of 40 (5 participants x 4 occurrences) + (5 participants x 3 occurrences).

Likewise, if 1 session participant cancelled their spot after they attended the first occurrence, their enrollment to 1 occurrence would still be included in the 'spots filled' count.

Wait list registrations

The 'Wait list registrations' column is meant to show how 'hot' the wait list is for an activity and serves to measure demand for activity types, time slots, facilities, or other variables. It shows the total number of people added to the wait list, rather than the live count of people on the wait list.

Say John adds himself to the wait list. He then registers for the activity. Next, Jane adds herself to the wait list but removes herself later. The total 'Wait list registrations' count is now 2, because that's the total number of people that were added to the list.

If the wait list isn't configured for the activity, the field appears blank.

❌ About cancellations

If an activity is cancelled in SmartRec after the first occurrence(s) takes place, any participants will still be recorded as 'Spots filled' even if 'Net Sales' appears as $0.00 for the activity.

If an admin decides to cancel an activity and cancels/refunds each participant individually without cancelling the activity itself in SmartRec, then the status appears as “Normal” or “Hidden” instead of “Cancelled”.

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