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Create an Activity

Create activities and make them available in your store.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated this week

After creating your program(s), you can set up activities in the Activities>Edit subtab.  

  • Choose a program. 

  • Click Operations and then + New Activity

  • Read below for details about the configuration form and check out our FAQ!

Need more support? Register for our course on Programs & Activities.

📄 Information  

Most (but not all) of the information from these fields shows on the activity's display in the store. Clients may click 'View activity details' to view additional details.

Category, Subcategory and Name of the activity

Clients select activities in the store by drilling down 4 levels - the Program, followed by the Category, Subcategory and the Name of the activity. To ensure you've labeled the levels clearly, try reading it like a sentence (these are just suggestions):

  • I want to enroll my child in Recreational Gym (Category) for beginners (Subcategory) on Saturday at 9am (Name of the activity).


  • I wish to register to Dance (Category) for girls (Subcategory) every Monday at 6pm (Name of the activity). Keep in mind these are suggestions. You ultimately decide how to establish your structure.  

Please note that there is a 100 character limit for the name of your activity.

Billing label (optional)

The billing label appears on the client's invoice. If this field is left blank, the program, category and subcategory names show on the invoice. Otherwise, you can replace it with a simpler billing label.

Ledger code

Ledger codes group items together in your financial reports. A ledger code must be assigned to every item in your store. Clients can't see ledger codes. If you have more than 5 ledger codes configured, the drop down will include a search bar for a quicker search.

Tags (optional)

Tags are keywords that clients can use to search for items in your store. 

Description (optional)

The description is visible on the activity display.  

Prerequisites (optional)

These are visible when clients view 'More information' about the activity. It doesn't prevent clients from registering (refer to the Restrictions section for that).

Note (optional)

Notes are visible when clients view 'More information' and lets you add more activity information (ex: what to bring). You can display the note on the client's invoice. 


  • Normal means clients can see your activity in the store (provided the program is also visible).  

  • Hidden allows administrators only to view the activity and make registrations.

  • Cancelled means clients can see the activity in the store, but it's labelled as 'cancelled' and can't accept registrations. 

Secret link

If the activity (or program) is Hidden, send this link to clients so they can register. 

🕘 Registration Periods

Registration periods allow you to specify who is able to register to the activity and when. It's particularly useful for preregistrations. Click here to learn more.

📝 Forms

Select an adult and/or child form. If a client registers to more than one activity with the same form, they'll only have to fill out the question once. Click here to learn more.

📅 Schedule & Resources 

Define the activity's schedule, which is visible in the store.


+ Add your activity's schedule(s). If the activity has multiple recurrence patterns (i.e., say it occurs every Tuesday, and also every two weeks on Saturday), you may want to create more than one schedule. Click here to learn more about scheduling activities.


The number of times the activity occurs, based on its schedule. You can modify specific occurrences (as opposed to modifying an entire schedule).


You can opt to email clients a calendar invitation once they've registered. There's a second calendar option that emails a calendar invitation to staff assigned to the activity. Staff receive the invitation after the first client registers to the activity.  

The invitation takes into account the activity's Start date. This means if the activity starts on Monday October 4th but occurs every Friday starting on October 8th, the calendar invitation captures the October 4th start date.

💡 Tip

If you send participants a calendar invitation once they've registered, you may receive notifications when the participants confirm the calendar invite. These calendar confirmation notifications are sent to the email address in the Account > Main information subtab.

We recommend creating a rule inside the inbox - create a folder and have those emails forwarded to the folder automatically.


Holidays and closed days created in the Account>Calendar subtab are incorporated in your schedule. Choose if the activity takes place on those days. This section also allows you to add schedule and/or staff details in the store, or the client's invoice. 

Display options

This final section provides you with the option to enhance the clarity and detail on invoices and in-store schedules by checking the checkbox on the left hand side. The customizable options are:

  • Display schedule on invoice

  • Display Location on invoice

  • Display staff on invoice

  • Display staff in store

  • Display the number of occurrences in the store

📘 Session

A session activity can occur on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, over a set period of time. When clients register, they're enrolling to every occurrence within the session.


Check this box to activate selling this activity as a session.

Price of activity

How much does your activity cost in $ for the whole session?  

Prorated pricing (optional)

If a client registers to an activity after its start date, the cost is prorated based on how many activity occurrences remain in the session. You can set a minimum price clients need to pay and choose if eligible discounts can be applied on a prorated price.  

Spots available

Indicate if a maximum number of activity session spots are available. If you also offer drop-in spots (in the Drop-ins section), they're added to the total number of spots available. Say you have 10 session spots and 15 daily drop-in spots, you may find yourself with up to 25 participants attending class on a given day! If session spots are filled, no one else can register for the session. If drop-in spots are filled for the day, no one else can drop-in.

Click here to learn more about how spots are displayed in the store.

🎫 Drop-ins

A drop-in activity can occur on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, over a set period of time. When clients register, they're enrolling in a single activity occurrence.


Check this box to activate selling this activity as a drop-in to allow clients to register to the activity on a specific calendar day. You can offer an activity as a session and a drop-in.


Set the cost for a drop-in class. If you offer Multipasses, you can restrict enrollment to clients with an eligible Multipass.

Spots available

If specified, this number is added to the total number of available spots.

Registration start/end

Decide how long before the beginning of each drop-in can a client register. Clients are usually unable to cancel a class themselves, but you can allow clients to cancel a drop-in from their user account (if they used a Multipass to register).


Add a checkmark to give participants the ability to cancel their registration to a drop-in occurrence from their personal account, up until the cancellation deadline.

💰 Taxes

You must configure taxes tax rules on an activity.


Check this box if the activity is eligible for this type of government credit.


Choose if taxes are Not included, Included or Waived on the price of the activity and specify which taxes are applicable.

💳 Payments

List the possible methods of payment for the purchase of the activity. If it's eligible for installments, check the option and select the Installments configuration you created in the Accounting and finance>Installments subtab.  

Additional Settings & Restrictions

🖼️ Image (optional) 

Add an image to your activity that appears in the store. The image size requirements are as follows:

  • Ratio: 4:3

  • Orientation: -

  • Max width (after cropping): 400px

  • Max height (after cropping): 300px

  • Tool: cropping

🎂 Required age (optional)  

If you add an age restriction, your forms must have the Date of birth option to Visible Required. Admins can update birthdays in the client's account in the Clients tab. 

To enroll, clients can't be younger or older than the min/max age on the day of the activity or on a following date of your choosing.

🙅 A client will not be able to modify the age field during the check out process in order to bypass restrictions.

🧪We're improving age restrictions! By choosing on the day of the activity, it'll refer to the upcoming activity occurrence to evaluate age restrictions. For example, a 4 year old won't be able to register if the minimum age is 5, however, when they turn 5 in a couple of weeks they can come back and register to the activity. Contact us at to try it out!

🚻 Required gender (optional)

Clients don't have to declare their gender unless an organization requires it. If you have activities with gender restrictions, your forms should have the Gender option to Visible Required.

  • If your activity restricts enrollment by gender, clients will be required to select 1 of 3 default gender options.

  • If your activity restricts enrollment to females, only participants who have identified their gender as 'Female' may register.

  • If your activity restricts enrollment to males, only participants who have identified their gender as 'Male' may register.

  • If your activity restricts enrollment to clients who preferred not to say their gender, only participants who have chosen 'Prefer not to say' may register.

You may choose more than one option. For example, your activity may restrict enrollment to 'Females' and people who 'Prefer not to say'. 

📝 Wait list (optional)

If there's a maximum number of spots available for the activity, you can allow clients to add themselves to the wait list for sold-out, session-based activities and notify them when a spot opens. Click here to learn more.

  • 'Enabled' means clients can add their names to the wait list and when a spot opens, an admin can perform the registration on their behalf.

  • 'Send an automatic email notification' means an automated email is sent to all clients on the wait list when a spot opens. Clients can register on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

🎓 Skills (optional)

Create Skills and link them to the activity to limit registration to clients with the required skill. 

👪 Memberships (optional)

Create Memberships and link them to the activity to limit registration to clients with the required membership(s). If clients don't have the membership, they'll be prompted to add it to their cart which then allows them to register to the activity. 

🔄 Subscriptions (optional)  

If you created Subscriptions and are selling the activity as a Session, you can link one or more subscription plans to the activity. Clients pay the subscription price per month as opposed to the full price of the activity.  

📍 Community Segments (optional)

If you activated the Community Segments feature, you can limit registration to clients who live at specific addresses within a segment.  

🛒 Merchandise (optional)

Create Merchandise and make them mandatory for purchase upon registering to the activity. You can also suggest items that clients can add to their shopping cart. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I change the order of my activities?

Click on an activity and hold the button while you drag it to another spot. To scroll up or down the screen, bring your cursor (while holding the activity) onto the up arrows to the right of the screen. Activities appear in the same order in your store.

2. How do you duplicate an activity?

You can duplicate an existing activity so you don't have to redo all the work.

  • Click on Activities>Edit.

  • Select the activity to duplicate.

  • Click the Operations menu and select Duplicate activities.

  • Click on Duplicate.

The duplicated activity appears with an asterisk under the initial activity. Click the duplicated activity to apply configuration changes and Save.

3. How do I know which registration form(s) my client filled out?

In the Clients tab, click on the account and go to the Account members page. Click on the name of an account member to pull up their profile. In the Forms field, click the drop-down to view the list of forms the participant has completed.

4. If I change forms during the season, can I still export client and attendance lists with details from every form?

Absolutely. If you're exporting lists from the Clients tab, click Operations>Export.

  • If you include extra questions, you can choose to list all the extra questions from all your registration forms, or limit it to extra questions from a single form. It will also include information from the default questions on every registration form.

  • If you don't include extra questions, the export will include information from the default questions on every registration form.

If you're exporting Attendance lists from the Activities>Attendance list subtab, click Operations>Attendance list generation.

  • This will include information from the default questions on every registration form, if the one or more participants answered them.

  • You may include any extra questions you created..and more!

5. Can I replace an activity if it shares the same registration form?

Yes! Now that forms are assigned on an activity level, you can replace an activity or membership with another of its like as long as they share the same registration form.

6. Do I have to attach forms to activities that were imported from another program?

Activities imported from another program will still have the same form attached. Feel free to change it!

7. How do we pull reports on multiple activities at once within the same program? How can we mass email our clients?

From the Activity tab, admins can select multiple activities using the checkboxes on the page and then use Operations to pull a report or do an action pertaining to all the activities they have selected. The report called "Information on the Activities of the Program" under the tab Reports>Standard is where info can be pulled for all activities within a program.

8. How can we mass email our clients?

You are able to mass email participant from multiple activities by enabling the Email Blasts app.

9. Can I make the purchase of an activity mandatory/required?

Yes you can! You can link an activity add-on to another activity so that when it's added to the cart, clients will be suggested or required to put the add-on activity into their cart. You can read all about it right here.

*Last updated April 2024

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