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Complete the Resale Import Template
Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 3 years ago

The import is completed using a template provided by SmartRec. Admins must download the template, fill out the required fields, and then upload the completed template to import their clients with their resale memberships.

The import is designed to recognize duplicates within the Federation. If the import can find an existing person with the same name, gender, and birthday, the existing data will be used.

Enter information specific to the person you wish to assign a resale membership. It is optional whether to include account owner information for a parent or another adult. However, if the imported person is a child and no account owner name is indicated, a place-holder account owner will be automatically created with the name "Parent of (child's name)". If the imported person is an adult, he/she will be an account owner by default.

Title of the columns present on the CSV template and requirements

First name: Person's first name. Required

Last name: Person's last name. Required

Address: Civic number, street name, apartment number. Required

City: Required

State/Province: Required

Zip/Postal Code: Required

Country: Required

Phone: Optional

Gender: M or F capitalized. Required

Email: Optional

Amilia ID: Leave blank

Birth date: MM/DD/YYYY. The date format YYYY/MM/DD is also supported Required

Membership: Name of membership as it appears in the Memberships tab. Required

Membership expiration date: MM/DD/YYYY. The date format YYYY/MM/DD is also supported. If an expiration date is already set by your Federation, this will be the expiration date of the resale memebrship. Optional

Account owner first name: Optional

Account owner last name: Optional

Account owner gender: M or F capitalized. Optional

Account owner email: Optional

Here is an example of how the data is validated and imported into SmartRec once you have completed the template:

Completed template

Date passed validation

Client successfully imported

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