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Service Add-ons - Sell merch exclusively when paired with an activity
Service Add-ons - Sell merch exclusively when paired with an activity

Create & track merchandise that can only be sold while a participant registers for an applicable activity.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over a week ago

Service add-ons are merchandise that can only be sold while a participant registers for a certain activity. It's an ideal option when selling extra services such as meals, a bus ride or before/after care. They also appear next to the participant's name when generating attendance lists so you can see who purchased what.

  • Offer or require merchandise when the appropriate activity is purchased.

  • Generate participant lists that can be filtered by service add-ons.

  • View participant and merchandise info in one report.

👇 Check out this video to see how camps use service add-ons.

Quebec organizations can't use service add-ons for before/after care activities as they will be unable to generate RL-24 receipts.

How it Works

1. Create your Service Add-on

In the Store>Merchandise subtab, start by creating your merchandise as usual.

  • You must toggle Shipping to 'Not Applicable'.

  • Under the Service add-on section, place a check mark.

  • Finish configuring your merchandise and Save.

  • You can't add variants if you've enabled Service add-on.


2. Assign your Merchandise to Activities

Via Activities>Edit select the applicable activities and scroll to the Merchandise section.

  • Merchandise can be suggested or mandatory upon purchase of the activity.

  • You can still attach as many merchandise as required. Hit Save when done.


3. Purchasing a Service Add-on in the Store

A participant can purchase a Service add-on by:

  • Registering to an activity and being prompted to purchase the item; and/or

  • Clicking the Merchandise tab in the Store and selecting the item.


NOTE: Participants can purchase the merchandise if they've registered to the appropriate activity. Otherwise, they will not be able to select their name to purchase the item.

4. View Service Add-ons in Participant Lists

Once a participant purchases the merchandise, you'll see the item appear next to their name in the Activities>Registration tab.

To export the list of all participants, click the Operations button. Filter for participants with service add-ons in the excel spreadsheet.

Otherwise, filter clients with a merchandise item via Clients>Add filter>Merchandise.


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