Service add-ons are merchandise that can only be sold while a participant registers for a certain activity. It's an ideal option when selling extra services such as meals, a bus ride or before/after care. They also appear next to the participant's name when generating attendance lists so you can see who purchased what.
Offer or require merchandise when the appropriate activity is purchased.
Generate participant lists that can be filtered by service add-ons.
View participant and merchandise info in one report.
👇 Check out this video to see how camps use service add-ons.
❗ Quebec organizations can't use service add-ons for before/after care activities as they will be unable to generate RL-24 receipts.
How it Works
1. Create your Service Add-on
In the Store>Merchandise subtab, start by creating your merchandise as usual.
You must toggle Shipping to 'Not Applicable'.
Under the Service add-on section, place a check mark.
Finish configuring your merchandise and Save.
You can't add variants if you've enabled Service add-on.
2. Assign your Merchandise to Activities
Via Activities>Edit select the applicable activities and scroll to the Merchandise section.
Merchandise can be suggested or mandatory upon purchase of the activity.
You can still attach as many merchandise as required. Hit Save when done.
3. Purchasing a Service Add-on in the Store
A participant can purchase a Service add-on by:
Registering to an activity and being prompted to purchase the item; and/or
Clicking the Merchandise tab in the Store and selecting the item.
NOTE: Participants can purchase the merchandise if they've registered to the appropriate activity. Otherwise, they will not be able to select their name to purchase the item.
4. View Service Add-ons in Participant Lists
Once a participant purchases the merchandise, you'll see the item appear next to their name in the Activities>Registration tab.
To export the list of all participants, click the Operations button. Filter for participants with service add-ons in the excel spreadsheet.
Otherwise, filter clients with a merchandise item via Clients>Add filter>Merchandise.