Create and Assign Seasons
Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over a week ago

Seasons are a way to group items into different subsets. Currently, seasons are available on memberships.


You can create a list of customized seasons from the Seasons tab, available from Account > Seasons. If you do not have access to the Seasons tab, let our support team know you would like access.

Click +New season to choose the name of your new season.

If you sell the same membership in different cycles, for example by the year, you may want to use the same membership name, but associate it with a different season.


Once a season is created, you can then link it to an item, in this case, a membership.


Assigning a season can be done from the Memberships tab either one membership at a time by editing the membership, or by using the Operations drop-down menu option. Select all memberships to which you’d like to assign the season and then use the Operations menu to "Assign Season".

With a season assigned, you will then have the option to filter some sections in SmartRec by season. For example, you will be able to filter the memberships page by season, and filter by season when linking memberships to activities.

If you are having problem setting up your memberships learn more about How to create a Membership.

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