We believe you should have the freedom to choose the data you collect from your clients. Therefore, specifying gender is optional unless required by your organization.
This means the 'Gender' field only shows in the client's account when:
An activity or membership is restricted by gender;
The default gender question is required on your form;
Their gender is disclosed to your organization or another organization;
Their gender was previously disclosed prior to January 27th, 2025.
Here's what to expect with gender visibility in the:
- when creating a new account or editing a client's profile
- when adding a new person to register
- when registering to an event with a gender restriction
- when completing a registration form with mandatory gender
- when an admin adds a booking with an invoice in the calendar
1. Gender visibility in the Clients tab
Admins can expect changes to the visibility of the 'Gender' field when creating a new account in the Clients > Accounts subtab, as well as when viewing a client's profile.
The gender field only shows in the Clients tab if the person provided their gender in the past, or if they specified a gender to register at any organization.
Clients tab - When an admin creates a new account |
When you create a new client account in the Clients > Account subtab, the 'Gender' field is no longer visible. |
Clients tab - When viewing the client's profile |
When you view or edit a member's profile in the Clients > Members subtab, the 'Gender' field no longer appears by default. |
2. Gender visibility in the Store
Admins and clients can expect changes to the visibility of the 'Gender' field in the online store when adding a new person to register, when registering to an activity that requires gender, and at checkout when completing registration forms that require gender.
The gender field only shows in the Store if the client tries to register to an activity with a gender restriction, or the gender field is mandatory on a registration form.
In the Store - When adding a new person to register |
When an admin or client adds a new person to the account to register them in the online store, the 'Gender' field is no longer visible. |
In the Store - When registering to an event with gender restrictions |
If the person's gender isn't specified, more info is required. The admin or client must click the ✏️ next to the person's name to add their gender selection. |
In the Store - When filling the registration form at checkout (step 2) |
If the 'Gender' field is Required or Admin optional, the client must select one of three gender options before they can proceed to payment. |
3. Gender visibility in the Facilities tab
Admins can expect changes to the visibility of the 'Gender' field when creating an admin booking with an invoice in the Facilities > Calendar subtab for a new person.
The default gender field will not show when you add a new person for an admin booking with an invoice.
Admin booking with an invoice - When adding a new person |
When you create an admin booking with an invoice in the Facilities > Calendar subtab, the 'Gender' field will no longer appear when you Add a person. |
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why does a client's gender show if it was disclosed to another organization?
As an admin, you may notice a client's gender is visible in their profile, even if your organization did not ask for it.
The Amilia account (or User Account) is a centralized profile that allows users to interact with multiple organizations while sharing and synchronizing relevant data across these organizations (username, name, date of birth, address, phone numbers, medical information, and profile picture).
An account owner must accept to share this account information the first time they visit an organization's SmartRec store.
💡 If an individual selects one of three gender options in the "Gender" field (male, female, prefer not to say), it's visible to other organizations when the individual accepts to shop in their SmartRec store.
2. Will the gender field still appear in my reports?
The gender field will still be available in your reports, even if your organization does not require it. If clients haven't selected a gender option, you'll see 'Not specified' under the Gender column.
3. How does a gender restriction differ from gender required on a form?
A gender restriction is configured at the activity or membership level. Participants must have the required gender to be eligible to register and add the item to their cart.
Gender required on a registration form is configured at the form level, and is prompted at step 2 of the checkout. The participant must choose a default gender option in the "Gender" field (Male, Female, or Prefer not to say). You don't have to pick a particular gender to be eligible to register, but you do need to select one of the three gender options in order to proceed to payment.
(Gender must be set to Required or Admin optional)
4. How do I add more gender options to my registration form?
By using the default gender field on a registration form, clients can pick between 3 default options - Male, female, prefer not to say.
However, if your organization wishes to create a more personalized set of gender options, you can create extra questions to add to your registration form.
Keep in mind, gender restrictions on activities or memberships only takes into consideration SmartRec's default gender options. Additional gender options you add to a registration form using extra questions are not eligible to use as restrictions.
In addition, answers that participants provide to extra questions on your form is not shared across organizations. This means a participant may answer an extra question focused on gender, but it doesn't influence the "Gender" field in their personal information.
5. Will clients still see the gender field in their Amilia account?
Clients will see the default gender field under their Personal information in their Amilia account, however if they never specified a gender, the field will read 'Not specified'.