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Use tags to categorize your offers and assign scholarships.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over a week ago

Tags are used to group items, label clients or staff (e.g., veterans, volunteers, donors, etc.), facilitate searches (e.g., with filters in the back office or online store), and assign scholarship tags to eligible offers and participants.

1. How to create a tag

Admins with permission may create unlimited tags in the Account>Tags subtab.

  1. Click + Create a tag.

  2. Provide a name and color for the tag (you can't add other colors).

    • If your store is bilingual, enter the name in both languages. If not, the tag appears in the same language when browsing in English or in French.

  3. If a tag is visible to clients, it appears in the store (depending on the item).

    • Even if the tag isn't visible to clients, admins still see it in the store.

  4. Save the tag. You can modify it at any time.

Visible tag on

Can you tag this item?

Is the item sold in the store?

Can you filter with the tag in the store?

Does the tag show on the item in store?
















Private Lessons





Facility Bookings















Gift cards















❗ Scholarship tags are generated automatically when you create a Scholarship.

2. Where to assign/remove tags

Usually, tags are assigned in an item's configuration form, such as for activities, private lessons, memberships, merchandise, gift cards, staff, and facilities. For example, you must assign a tag to an activity in the Activity>Edit subtab. You can mass assign tags.

🔑 Click here to see which permissions are required to assign tags.

However, a different process is followed to assign tags to clients for the purpose of labeling or allocating scholarships. Read below to find out more.

2.1 How to assign or remove tags in the Clients tab

Admins with permission can assign tags to an account, or to individual account members for the purpose of labeling; or to allocate scholarships on a per-account or per-person or basis. When a tag is assigned to a client account, it applies to the entire account, rather than each member within it. When a tag is removed or expired, it disappears from view in the client account and no longer applies to them.

  1. Select the Clients>Accounts or People subtab.

  2. Search and check mark the account(s) or person(s). You may tag multiple records as long as they're visible on the page (you may include up to 100 results per page). You can filter the client list by tags and combine other filters in the search to find the records you're looking for!

  3. Open the Operations menu and then 🏷️ Edit tags.

  4. Assign or remove the tag(s) available in the drop-down. If you assign the tag(s) with an expiration date, tags are automatically removed on the specific date. To track tag expiration dates, refer to the Client tag assignments report.

    • To update a tag assignment's expiration date, you must remove the tag, and then re-assign with a new expiration date. Please note that two rows would exist in the Client tags assignments report for the tag. One row for the original expiration date (as expired), and a new row for the updated expiration date.

Tags on a client account

Tags on an account member

Assigned in the Clients>Accounts subtab

Assigned in the Clients>People subtab

Visible on Account members page

under 'Account tags'​

Visible in the account member's

'Personal Info' section

Blankets the account rather than a particular account member

Applies to a particular

account member only

Can't filter for tags on client

accounts in the People subtab

Can't filter for tags on account

members in the Accounts subtab

To allocate scholarships to an account

To allocate scholarships to persons

3. Tags and filters in the store

Not all tagged items create store filters. Only activities, memberships, and merchandise support tags (including scholarship tags) and tag filters in the store.

Tag filters are listed on the left side of their store page under 'More filters'. For example, a tag filter only shows on the Memberships page if it's assigned to at least 1 visible membership for purchase. Similarly, a tag filter only shows on the Programs page if it's assigned to at least 1 visible activity for purchase.

Clicking multiple tag filters searches for items that are tagged with one or more of the selected tags. An item must have at least one selected tag to appear in the results.

🏷️Tags on sessions and drop-ins (click to expand)

When an activity is assigned a tag that is visible to clients:

  • Tag filters appear on the main Register page under 'More filters'.

  • The tag is visible when you 'View activity details'.

  • Scholarship tags appear as filters and are visible in the activity details.

  • Admins see this even if the tag isn't visible to clients.

🏷️Tags on memberships (click to expand)

When a membership is assigned a tag that is visible to clients:

  • Tag filters appear on the Membership page under 'More filters'.

  • The tag isn't visible on the membership unless the filter is selected.

  • Scholarship tags appear as filters. Scholarship tags are not visible on the membership in the store unless the filter is selected.

  • Admins see this even if the tag isn't visible to clients.

🏷️ Tags on merchandise (click to expand)

When merchandise is assigned a tag that is visible to clients:

  • Tag filters appear on the Merchandise page under 'More filters'.

  • Tags (including scholarship tags) aren't visible on merch in the store, even when the filter is selected.

  • Admins will always see the tag filter. But no tag is visible on the merch.

🏷️ Tags for scholarships (click to expand)

When an activity, membership, or merchandise is assigned a scholarship tag that is visible to clients:

  • For activities, scholarship tags appear on the main Program page as filters and are visible in the activity details.

  • For memberships, scholarship tags appear as filters. Scholarship tags are not visible on the membership in the store unless the filter is selected.

  • For merchandise, scholarship tags appear as filters. Scholarship tags are not visible on merchandise, even if the filter is selected.

  • If you prefer to keep scholarships private and don't want scholarship tags nor scholarship filters showing in the store, make sure to uncheck the 'Visible to clients' options on the tag in the Account>Tags subtab.

4. FAQ

1. How do I use the Client tag assignments report?

The Client tag assignments report (currently in active development) provides the list of tags assigned in Clients > Accounts or People. It's your go-to for reviewing tag expiration dates and scholarship tag expiration dates.

Report structure & content

Each row represents a person’s assignment to a tag.

  • If a person is assigned a tag, they appear on 1 row in the report

  • If an account is assigned a tag, each row pertains to a person in the account that benefits from the tag (e.g., an account with 4 people represents 4 rows).

* Most recently tagged appears first in the report

  • When a tag assignment expires, the record of it remains in the report. If a tag's expiration date is updated (i.e., the tag is removed and then reassigned with a new expiration date), the report will show two rows for the tag. One row for the original expiration date (as expired), and a new row for the updated expiration date.

Notable columns

'Assignment end date' and 'Assignment status' columns:

  • The 'Assignment end date' column appears empty/blank if no expiration date is assigned. This means the person or account will keep the tag until an admin removes it or updates the tag assignment with an expiration date.

  • If an admin manually removes a tag from a person/account, a record of the tag assignment will still show in the report. The 'Assignment Expiration date' column will show the date the tag was removed. The 'Assignment status' column will show as 'Removed by admin'.

'Assigned by' column:

  • Shows the most recent admin who updated the tag assignment. If Admin 1 assigns a tag but admin 2 makes changes to the tag assignment or expiration, then Admin 2 will show in the column.

2. What permissions do I need for tags?

You'll need one or more tag permissions, depending on what's being tagged.

  • To create tags, you need the 'Organization settings' permission.

Image of Organization settings permission.

  • To assign or remove tags in the Clients tab, you need 'View client accounts', along with the 'Manage account tags' and/or 'Manage person tags' permissions.

  • To assign or remove tags for activities, you need 'View programs and activities' and the 'Modify activities' permissions.

  • For all other tag assignments, you'll need the permission to view the tab and to modify within the tab. For example, to apply a tag to Memberships, you need access to view and modify memberships (so you can add or remove the tag).

3. How do I manage scholarship tags?

Scholarship tags are auto-generated in the Account>Tags subtab when you create a scholarship in the Scholarships tab. Link the scholarship tags to eligible offers and then to participants to allocate scholarship funds. Don't delete any scholarship tags from the Account>Tags subtab! Click here to learn more about scholarships.

4. Can I use an API to pull tag information?

Click here for our API documentation to learn more about endpoints for tags.

5. Can I filter for clients by tag?

You can filter for clients by tag in the Clients>Accounts or People subtab. Click 'Add filter' and then 'Tag'. Choose the tag you wish to filter by. You can stack filters to find the client record(s) you need!

6. What if I remove a tag?

If you remove a tag on a client account or on a person, the record of the tag assignment remains in the Client tags assignments report. However, the client account or person is no longer eligible for the benefit(s) the tag provided while active.

* Last updated in November 2024

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